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You're here because you might be needing to change out your Zip Water ZIP01034276 93701 Filter.
First we want to say that your Zip Water HydroTap Base Unit will provide a notification of when to replace your filter.
Your change filter light will begin to flash white until the filter is replaced and the filter percentage will show at 0% at the Home Screen.
First Step
Find an empty bucket to gather the water which is flushed through the system, also a towel to clean up spills.
Second Step
Click Menu>Installation>Filter Flush, now start and stop should be what is on your screen.

On the Zip Water HydroTap Base Unit, open the door that is in front of the command center, then you can see the filter you would need to replace.
Fifth Step
Open up your new filter and remove the sanitary cap, then write the current date where the label is shown.
Make sure you do not touch the O-ring or where the filter opening is, as this can contaminate the filter.
Sixth Step
Moisten the O-ring with water and line the front of the filter up to the label on the left.
Then carefully but assertively push the filter up into the head and a quarter turn to the right as far as it goes without forcing the turn. This will lock the filter cartridge with the front label facing forward.
Seventh Step
Turn the stopper valve on, rotate the lever clockwise until in-line with the hose, see picture below.
Eighth Step
Press start to begin, make sure you run at least 10 litres of water to flush the excess black carbon particles.
Ninth Step
After 10 litres pass, turn the stopper off, rotate counter clockwise, see pic below.
Press stop, to conclude the filter flush. Then press the back arrow to take you back to the install page.
Tenth Step
Press the filter rest and then press internal filter.
Doing this will reset the counters and bring you back to the home screen.
For any questions do not hesitate to message us!
Here is a video for more reference!